Friday, January 4, 2013

Outline collection of Japanese mythsand and Where the scene was?

A Happy New Year! This entry is second of mine.
Today, I continue to write and learn about Japanese Myth.


Today's topic is...

Outline collection of Japanese myths

     and Where the scene was?

In this entry, I am going to separate two paragraph
1. Outline Japanese Myth
2. Where the scene was?

1. Outline Japanese Myth

First, I'll write about outline of it.
As you know, this story is very long and complexity. And I don't understand all of about it. But I thought how write about them easy to understnd and you will have interested in the myth.
So, now, I'll note the outline as easy word and clearly sentence as possible.


A long long time ago, the ground was in a chaos.
One day, the world separated two. And some gods were born in the single.
After that, some couple of gods were born. One of them are "Izanagi-no-mikoto"(伊耶那岐命) and "Izanami-no-mikoto"(伊耶那美命).
Izanagi and Izanami had a good relationship, and created many chirdlen gods.
But when Izanami gave birth to "Honokagutsuti", she died.
Izanagi went to hades to call back her, but he failed.
This time, Izanagi and Izanami exechanged to promise of curse. Because of it, now, our world increase 500 people everyday.

After that, when Izanagi washed his face, three gods were born.
One of them, his name is "Susanoo", was orderd to govern the sea by Izanagi.
But Susanoo didn't because he wanted to meet his mother(Izanami).
Izanagi became angry, and banished him from the sea.
Susanoo asked "Amaterasuokami"(his sister) to help, but she hided into "Ama-no-iwato"(天岩戸) because he is very violent.
Some gods managed to give her from cave together and sun light came back.
Susanoo banished from the sky due to this episode.

After he exiled from the sea and sky, he met "Kushinadahime" (櫛名田比売).
He promised with her that when he would kill "Yamata-no-orochi"(八俣大蛇), she would marry with him.
So, Susanoo defeated the monster with eight wine barrels.
The sword which Susanoo used this time is the very famous one, "Kusanagi-no-turugi"(草薙の剣).
This sword handed down in emperor families.

"Ookuninushi"(大国主神) is son of Susanoo. He was very gentle and had 800 over brothers.
One day his brothers went to propose marrige to "Yagamihime"(八上比売)
The middle of road, Ookuninushi found a skinless rabbit.
He saved the rabbit and the rabbit said that "Yagamihime would marry you."
This word came true.

One day "Ninigi-no-mikoto"(迩迩芸命) met very beautiful girl. She was "Konohanasakuyahime"(木花之佐久夜毘売)
Her perents were very glad to hear it and gave Ninigi "Iwanagahime" , too.
But Ninigi returned back Iwanagahime to her house. Her father became angry and said "You returned back my daughter. Your life is assumed to be limited."
This is the reason why emperor will die someday.
And after some fine episode, the first emperor ""Zinmu-tenno"(神武天皇) was born and pacified all of Japanese ground.

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Maybe you know some episode peacemeal.
I think you don't know that in detail.

2. Where the scene was?

Do you know the scene in the myth?
The scene are exist now. Some example I present you.

 ↳Takachiho,Usukine,Miyazaki (天岩戸神社 宮城県臼杵郡高千穂町)
Amaterasu hide in there. And 800 over gods held meeating.

 ↳Izumo Syrine, Izumo,Shimane (出雲大社 島根県出雲市)
This place is dedicated to Ookuninushi (Susanoo's son).

If you interested in the myth, I want you to go some place with power of gods.
I think there is very important land to know origin of Japanese.
I am going to write more in 10 week.

Thanks for your reading!
See you again until next topic.

     Referenced by -

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