Monday, January 28, 2013

Influenced by Greece myth?

Good morning!
 I had an traffic accident between bicycle. And I had surgery and sewed my under eyebrows. Very surprised!:o It made me very shock and nervous. But I'll try to recover my hurt and my mood. Fight!


And today's topic is...

Influenced by Greece myth?

There are some common points between Japanese myth and Greece myth. In this entry, I am going to think and consider about that matter.

The common point of story

I wrote about Japanese myth's outline story in second entry of this blog. Then, what story Greece myth? Greece myth is story of creation. And, the story is too long to see. I will write about it easily focuses on an important part of compare.

A man god, Orpheus who was bard, had wife. She was woman god called Eurydice and she was very beautiful. They lived near Mt. Olympus. There was beautiful place full of nature. One day, when Eurydice took a work around riverside, she met Aristaeus. Aristaeus was very violent man. So, Eurydice ran away from him and she had been managed to achieve escape. But, she lost her way. She stepped on poisonous snake. Poisonous snake surprised, and snake bite Eurydice with his poisonous fang. Eurydice died. Orpheus couldn't gave up her. So, he decide to go to hades and bring back his wife. He made his way by sing. Gods of hades and deads moved his song. The king of hades allowed that Orpheus would bring back Eurydice to ground. But the King of hades said conditions because Eurydice already ate underground food."Can't see back until reach the ground." Orpheus kept this promise? The answer is NO. Eurydice couldn't back to the ground forever.

In this story, there are some common points with Japanese myth. Of couse, outline is similar,too.

Comparison of common points in detail

1. Izanami and Eurydice
They had their husband. And both two woman died from freak accident. Izanami died in burns when she gave birth. Eurydice died in bite by poisonous snake.

2. They decide to go to hades and...
Izanagi and Orpheus were decide to go to hades to bring back their wife. They cought their wife's hand, but both of them broke a promise. And Their plan were unsuccessful.

3. The reason why to keep promise for homecoming to the ground
Izanami and Eurydice could not return to the ground with out condition because they already ate underground food until comming their husbands. Izanami ate hades food. Eurydice ate pomegranate.

Like a these common points continue after story. But I will stop here because story until there is most easy to compare. This two story aer very similar. One theory said the reason is the outline story come from nomads in continent. I  believe not the theory all. Japan is island nation... But, I sure people in the past made Japanese myth by some influenced. I think so. Greece myth is attractive both on now and past. So, I think that past people who have power made Japanese myth for people's entertainment and control.

Thank you for your reading:)
Next entry, I'll write about  Japanese Emperor and the myth.

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