Friday, February 22, 2013

Continue to now

Hello, I'm Mana. Today is cold, too.
This entry is last one I'll write. And soon, this semester will close and I become second grade. I did't satisfied this year because I didn't made enough my work. Next grade, I want to make my art more than this year.


Today's topic is...
Continue to now
Until now, I wrote about Japanese myth. Including about the myth's history, meaning, author and impact... I knew many new truth and new interpretation by them. I didn't know about this myth well before I chooce and wrote about Japanese myth in this blogging. Today, I am going to write last topic, Japanese myth is continue to now. Currently, people how think about Japanese myth and Japanese myth how involved to us? Today's topic is this.

Japanese mythology of present-day
In previous entry, I wrote that the Emperor became God. But this thought domination was ended after we lose in World War II. Emperor appeared in front of Japanese people and they was surprised that Emperor which should be God is just human. And now, the Emperor is mere national symbol of Japan. Recently, Japanese myth is not one of the thought or rule but the myth become one of entertainment. Kojiki and Nihon-shoki have been studied as just research materials. Some new evidence found by recearcher, and discovered many contradiction, too. There has a little credibility of the myth in Kojiki and Nihon-shoki. But Japanese myth has been used as subject many time due to the myth's appeal.
In Japan, Japanese myth was one of faith. But now, people has no religion. Japanese people's devotion is #136 of 143 countries in the survey by Yomiuri Shimbun. It is very low. In this survey, country about standard of living is lower, the faith is stronger. Today's Japanese standard of living is high. Because of it, they know many real thing, may be faith would did faded. It is a little lonely, but may be nessesary to become today's Japanese development.
Although there are such facts, Japanese myth has been loved by people as fantasy story and entertainmant. Of couse I like the myth. Surely, Japanese mythology would go to the people to be loved in the future.

Now places appeared in Japanese mythology

Ise-Jingu (Toyokawa, Ise,  Mie)

This is headquarters of the Japanese shrine. There enshrined Amaterasu-Omikami. This shrine appeared in Kojiki. The event, Shikinen Sengu have been held every twenty years after Jito Emperor was coronation. It is said that Japanese people surely come once in their life.

Atsuta-Jingu (Atsuta, Nagoya, Aichi)

This shrine enshrined one of three sacred treasures, Kusanagi-no-tsurugi. This sword is famous for Susanoo and Amaterasu had. This year enshrined in 1900 created this shrine.

Kashima-Jingu (Kashima,Ibaraki)

There enshrined Takemikaduti. Takemikaduti is make Okuninushi kingdom inheritance. This shrine visit more than 600,000 people to worship in June 1. Takemikaduti called also Kashima God. 

I  want to know Japanese myth more. This blogging was very good experience. I'm glad if you interested in the myth. Thank you for reading:)

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Sunday, February 17, 2013

Impact for people in the past by the myth

Hello, everyone. I'm Mana.
Time as early as, this entry is already nineth. I am going to end this blogging next entry. It is very tired but I think I could good experience. Rest two entry, I will consider more.


Today's topic is...

Impact for people in the past by the myths

In today's entry, I think more deeply about relationship people and Japanese myth. Until at that time, in this country people, Japanese myth had been passed down by tradition. But Kojiki and Nihon-shoki were deliberately published. I am going to think the answer of this riddle. And I'l think about the reason involved Japanese myth, Kojiki and Nihon-shoki.

In the first place, Japanese myth is tradition. People made the story by their nature faith or Aminism. In old Japan, various places had some kind of faith for nature. The faith for nature was let people made shrine. And Shinto was started being belief from somewhere. This is bigins of Japanese myth. Shinto still continue telling. (Regardless of whether I have self-conscious.) Namely, I wonder if Japanese myth not been able to be transmitted only by people's tradition. The shape is indeterminate form, but like that currently I used to go shrine to wish for school succuses, it been able to remain in posterity without Kojiki or Nihon-shoki. Rather it was distorted original myth. But also, there is very important thing for authority and emperor's family at that time.

Why original myth was distort by Kojiki or Nihon-shoki?

Before made Kojiki and Nihon-shoki, it happened Isshi-no-hen. This event is that Iruka Soga who is authority at that time was killed by Naka-no-oe-no-ouji (after he become Tenchi Emperor). This big episode is important thing in that point the authority had changed. Only now, we understanding this as one of the episode of Japanese history, but it were shocking for people at that time. Tenchi Emperor wanted a good reason which he robbed power. The best idea was that he would become God which take over the blood of God in Japanese myth. Japanese myth was already believed by people. What those in power can not win God. But it is not good just simply claim, he had his retainers made history book among his legality that he was a God. Owing to this idea, centralized government of the Emperor were made and continued for a long time. Incidentally, he propagated that you would meet to curse if you against to God (in fact Emperor). At that time, of course people had no good tools to collect truth, more and more, they understand that Emperor's family are God family and they thought they are a non-aggression presence. This centralized government of the Emperor continued until medium term Meiji Era. In this way, original Japanese myth was distort by Kojiki or Nihon-shoki. And Tenchi Emperor succeed that he became a God.

I wonder why the people who knew Tenchi Emperor's real birth not said anything. Were they his favor? Or they bowed to power? In any case, this idea is very terrible. It's amazing enough to have a sense of awe. The thinking which Japanese Emperor is God was believed by Japanese people until we lost to World War II.

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Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Faith and the myth

Hello,everyone. I'm Mana.
Last week, I started going to school again. My hurt have still some pain but it is shut up. I must be careful the hurt not to hit sun. I hear sun is bad to hurt. Third term remain a little more.
New my glasses is good. I want to do my best.

Today's topic is...
Faith and the myth
What Japanese people believed? And relationship the faith  and the myth. Japanese myth is tradition in common people. Then, why made the tradition? Old people were living in tradition and faith. Today's topic is this.
Old Japanese people were living in a lot of nature. People were doing rice crop and fishing. Nature sometimes raged to people. They sensed existence of God in the disaster.  They thought there were gods every nature and lives. And they  were worship it. After a while, people made holy place and built the building. The building is Shrine. Shrine was built in manu places of Japan. This faith was no name at that time. But Buddhism was introduced to Japan from China, this faith became called Shinto. Shinto is the most common and rooted deeply in the Japanese people who not noticed. For example, I go to shrine when new year start. I was tought seven god living in a grain of rice. Almost Japanese people rest Lantern festival. When we are three-year-old and five-year-old and seven-year-old, we took photo dressed formalwear. All of them are part of Shinto thinking. But everyone havn't worship to Shinto. In other word, this convention is usual action for us. Thinking of Shinto roofing our living.
This religion introduced from China in Asuka era. The thinking is that we have painness forever because life is suffering and we can't out there if you not doing Moksha. Moksha will get by Buddhism training. This faith roofed at Japan next to Shinto. There are many temple all of Japan. Buddhism was banned in old Japanese history. But now, it is one of very popular religion in this country. In Kyoto or Nara, old temples became very famous sightseeing area.
Kido is very very old religion of Japan. Himiko who is antient Japan's queen seemed to use this. She was sherman. This thinking is surrounded by mystery. There are some theory about Kido. One, Himiko is sherman, she helped her young brother's politics. Second, Kido has relationship to Taoism. Third, Kido is not Taoism but sorcery.Fourth, Kido is just like Shinto. I thought Kido is not Shinto or Taoism. It knew only antient people.

It is mystery why Shinto was born and spred all of Japan. Shinto have not guru doctrine. Why we doing ritual of Shinto without believing religion. This is just traddition? But there is Kido before Shinto was born but we do not know this religion and this region was lost. Why only Shinto remain? Shinto's thinking made many gods who appeared Japanese myth. In any case, Shinto is very important Japanese people now and past. Shinto is important to make Japanese myth.
Thanks your reading:)
Referenced by - ,,  Wikipedia

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Japanese Emperor and the myths

Hello everyone. I'm Mana.
The other day, I had an traffic accident. The week before last and last week, I had a hospital many times. Now, I am much better, and I will go to school from the beginning of next week. I have some tension. But still my feeling is not fine... I want to paint as soon as possible!

Today's topic is...
Japanese Emperor and the myths
In the two previous entry, I wrote about difference between Kojiki and Nihon-shoki. In that entry, I pointed out the relationship between the Japanese emperor and the Japanese mythology. This entry, I'll write about it more deeply.
Japanese myth and Japanese emperor
In Kojiki's crymax of Japanese myth, the story is almost emperor's story. Nihon-shoki's crymax, the story describe in the same way. The difference in this point of Kojiki and Nihon-shoki, Nihon-shoki was describing more emperor than Kojiki. Why that two books describe about emperor? The answer was hidden in that Japanese myth has been thinking as "mythology". There appear many gods in the myth and children of god is also god. In other words, emperor was god because they was born from god. Emperor is wanted to be god. The reason why emperor wanted to be god is that emperor and authorities wanted to contlol people. I am going to write about the question of that why it nessesary to contlol them. This entry, I'll write emperores appeared Japanese myth.
Kanyamatoiwarehiko(神倭伊波礼毘古命) was born from Ugayahukiaezu(鵜草葺不合命) in the last of chapter of the era of god. He grow up and became first Emperor Jinmu after. After Emperor Jinmu enthroned, his children apeaared the story and enthroned,too. There written emperor's grave in Kojiki and Nihon-shoki. It is cleard thing. So, no peoblem written in two books. But before of Emperor Jinmu has been questioned in historical studies. Especially, Kesshi-hachidai(欠史八代) has been most  questioned matter. Kesshi-hachidai is that there are era or generation of existing genealogy but no merit. Appropriate genereations are second Emperor Suizei(綏靖天皇), third Emperor Annei (安寧天皇), fourth Emperor Itoku(懿徳天皇), fifth Emperor Koushou(孝昭天皇), sixth Emperor Kouan(孝安天皇), seventh Emperor Kourei(孝霊天皇), eighth Emperor Kougen(孝元天皇) and ninth Emperor Kaika(開化天皇).
There are two theory about existing these generation. One is they were no exist. Because they made after generation to show that emperor has venerable pedigree and old origin. There are some  evidenxe of no existing. First, Chinese characters of their name used Wahu-shigo(和風諡号). This way was used since 6 century and the generation must been born before 6 century. So, this name was hard to believe. Second, all of them has been passed down from father to son. But the way started more and more after. Third, they have no merit and their graves. The other is they ware exist. In this theory, there are many theories more. For example, "They were exist. But they followed in later generations" , "They ware no emperor's blood rerative but leading powerful families", "The literature about their merit was just only lost" and so on.
I think that I couldn't get certain information in the period which had no smartphone, computer, telephon and internet. The wisdom of authority of the past was very terrible and surprised. They knew the matter they mixed emperor's story in Japanese myth which told among the people how affect. Originally, Japanese myth is only folklore and legend. Authorities use it well.
Thanks your reading:)
Referenced by -, Wikipedia