Sunday, February 17, 2013

Impact for people in the past by the myth

Hello, everyone. I'm Mana.
Time as early as, this entry is already nineth. I am going to end this blogging next entry. It is very tired but I think I could good experience. Rest two entry, I will consider more.


Today's topic is...

Impact for people in the past by the myths

In today's entry, I think more deeply about relationship people and Japanese myth. Until at that time, in this country people, Japanese myth had been passed down by tradition. But Kojiki and Nihon-shoki were deliberately published. I am going to think the answer of this riddle. And I'l think about the reason involved Japanese myth, Kojiki and Nihon-shoki.

In the first place, Japanese myth is tradition. People made the story by their nature faith or Aminism. In old Japan, various places had some kind of faith for nature. The faith for nature was let people made shrine. And Shinto was started being belief from somewhere. This is bigins of Japanese myth. Shinto still continue telling. (Regardless of whether I have self-conscious.) Namely, I wonder if Japanese myth not been able to be transmitted only by people's tradition. The shape is indeterminate form, but like that currently I used to go shrine to wish for school succuses, it been able to remain in posterity without Kojiki or Nihon-shoki. Rather it was distorted original myth. But also, there is very important thing for authority and emperor's family at that time.

Why original myth was distort by Kojiki or Nihon-shoki?

Before made Kojiki and Nihon-shoki, it happened Isshi-no-hen. This event is that Iruka Soga who is authority at that time was killed by Naka-no-oe-no-ouji (after he become Tenchi Emperor). This big episode is important thing in that point the authority had changed. Only now, we understanding this as one of the episode of Japanese history, but it were shocking for people at that time. Tenchi Emperor wanted a good reason which he robbed power. The best idea was that he would become God which take over the blood of God in Japanese myth. Japanese myth was already believed by people. What those in power can not win God. But it is not good just simply claim, he had his retainers made history book among his legality that he was a God. Owing to this idea, centralized government of the Emperor were made and continued for a long time. Incidentally, he propagated that you would meet to curse if you against to God (in fact Emperor). At that time, of course people had no good tools to collect truth, more and more, they understand that Emperor's family are God family and they thought they are a non-aggression presence. This centralized government of the Emperor continued until medium term Meiji Era. In this way, original Japanese myth was distort by Kojiki or Nihon-shoki. And Tenchi Emperor succeed that he became a God.

I wonder why the people who knew Tenchi Emperor's real birth not said anything. Were they his favor? Or they bowed to power? In any case, this idea is very terrible. It's amazing enough to have a sense of awe. The thinking which Japanese Emperor is God was believed by Japanese people until we lost to World War II.

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